Drawing Near
Drawing near to God is not a mere religious exercise; it is an invitation to experience a profound and transformative relationship with the Creator of the universe. Through prayer, humility, meditating on His Word, worship, and finding rest in His presence, we discover the richness of His love and guidance in every aspect of our lives. May we continually seek Him with open hearts and minds, allowing His presence to lead us on a journey of spiritual growth and deeper intimacy with our Heavenly Father. In our fast-paced and chaotic world, finding moments of solace and connection with the Divine is essential for our spiritual well-being. Drawing near to God is an intimate and transformative journey that allows us to experience His love, guidance, and peace. In this blog, we explore the beauty of seeking His presence through prayer, worship, and meditating on His Word. Let's delve into the Scriptures to discover how we can deepen our relationship with the Almighty. It took me some years to get there and understand the concept of intimacy with God. I must confess that I did not learn it by going to church because they never taught it. Holy Spirit showed me that before I could have any other relationship, I had to know Yeshua and love Him first. I had to transform my mind (Romans 12:2) which was a lot of work, but eventually, over time, my desire and appetite for His love, righteousness, grace, and mercy grew. The more time I spent with Him, the more I learned about Him and myself. Here are some steps.
Seeking His Face through Prayer (Psalm 27:8): "Seek His face!" The psalmist passionately calls us to pursue God's presence through heartfelt prayer. In prayer, we pour out our joys, fears, and desires before Him, knowing that He hears us and cares deeply for us. Through this intimate communication, we draw near to God, feeling His comforting embrace and experiencing His wisdom in every circumstance.
Drawing Near with a Humble Heart (James 4:8): "Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you." Humility is the key that opens the door to God's presence. When we approach Him with a humble heart, acknowledging our need for Him, He draws near to us, filling us with His grace and transforming us from the inside out. In humility, we find the strength to surrender our worries, allowing His peace to guard our hearts.
Meditating on His Word (Psalm 119:105): "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path." The Scriptures are a precious gift, guiding us into a deeper understanding of God's character and will. By meditating on His Word, we align our thoughts and actions with His truth, drawing closer to Him and discovering the beauty of His promises for our lives.
Cultivating a Lifestyle of Worship (Psalm 95:6): "Come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the Lord, our Maker!" Worship is not confined to a specific time or place; it is a lifestyle of adoration and gratitude. As we cultivate a heart of worship, we draw near to God, acknowledging His greatness and sovereignty in every aspect of our lives.
Finding Rest in His Presence (Matthew 11:28): "Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Drawing near to God brings rest to our weary souls. In His presence, we find refuge from life's burdens, and His gentle yoke lightens our load. When we draw near to Him, we experience His peace that surpasses all understanding.
I want to encourage you to be patient with yourself and never compare your relationship with God to anyone else’s. Only compare it to what the word of God reveals. In this life you will have tribulation, beloved. Those are the times to draw near to Him. Remember, that He loves you like no one else, Yeshua died for you just so that you can draw near. Remember relationship over religion.